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Crazy Town (CXT) is an American rap rock band, formed in 1995. Crazy Town is best known for their 2000 hit single, "Butterfly", In 2017, after one of the band member left the group Shifty changed the name of the band to Crazy Town X. 

The current members of the band include: Seth Binzer (Shifty, vocals), Elias Tannous (guitar, vocals) and Roland Banks (drums, vocals). I had a chance to meet these amazing artists on their 20th Anniversary Tour when they made a stop in to Ottawa to play Mavericks. These guys are the three real mooskateers after demolishing their van while driving through Ontario and hitting a moose they walked away in one piece. They are not only talented artists but enjoy mingling with their fan base; it was great getting to know these guys. I have been a Crazy Town fan since they first hit the scene and being able to see them live was a evening of awesome nostalgia. 

Roland Banks is also the CEO of his own line of drums "Diamond Kut Drum Co." The drums Roland had with him were beautiful and sounded clear and crisp to the ear HIs line of custom drums is a "Kut" above. The styling, the tone and every conceivable combination of those Roland has made available to any drummer with a discerning ear. Rolands own choices from his line make a perfect fit in the sound of Crazytown. Hard hitting and straight to the point.just like Rolands style of drumming. 

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